COVID Procedures Update (8/1/2021)
The Vestry met on Sunday, August 1, after church to discuss and discern updates to our services and procedures. After much discussion the following points were agreed upon:
We will maintain the three services. Masks are required for indoor worship. Masks are optional for outdoor worship.
Masks are required by all people (vaccinated or unvaccinated) for all indoor activities, including meetings and Bible studies.
Unvaccinated persons are strongly encouraged to attend the outdoor service with a mask or to worship online.
Communion will be received in one kind only, bread only.
Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 is encouraged to let Fr. Richard know, so that anyone who recently attended a church activity may choose to get themselves tested. Such notices will be kept confidential.
We will follow current CDC guidance to do our best to keep everyone healthy at church.
Maintaining three services requires extra work for those who serve on the Altar Guild and on our Technology team. If you are interested or feeling called to help many hands make light work, please contact Fr. Richard.