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COVID Update

Recently the number of cases of COVID in Travis and Williamson Counties have increased sharply, due to the Omicron variant. A few congregants have asked if we plan to suspend in-person church services and revert to only live streaming. At this time, we plan to keep having in-person church services. We will also continue to stream the service live for those who wish to stay at home.

The COVID situation is something that the Vestry monitors on a regular basis. In a Vestry meeting earlier this week we discussed the recent increase in cases and how it should affect our church gatherings. We decided that we would continue having in-person church services since the COVID vaccine is now widely available to most of the population. Additionally, the medical community reports that the Omicron variant is not as severe, especially to those individuals that have been vaccinated.

The Vestry did decide to re-implement social distancing at our church services. Please follow the usher's lead while selecting a pew. There should be one empty pew between each group of people. Two small families, not related, may sit in the same pew at opposite ends, as long as they can maintain a separation of six (6) feet between them. Everyone attending the service must continue to wear a mask. The serving of communion during the service will continue. At this time, we do not intend to re-implement the reservation system since there is currently enough room at the services to maintain social distancing.

Gatherings of small groups may continue at the church as long as everyone can maintain social distancing. Everyone must continue to wear a mask. Serving food may continue during your small group meeting.

The Vestry will continue to monitor the COVID situation and will make changes as recommended by the CDC and local officials. We will keep everyone informed through articles in the Church newsletter and announcements during the church service. Should you have any questions about the Church’s current COVID procedures please feel free to contact the Sr. Warden, Craig Strauss at or Rev. Pelkey at


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