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Christ Episcopal Church Congregational Care Ministry

Bobbie Wallstrom


email Ms. Wallstrom

Ministry Spotlight Video for the Congregational Care Committee:

Ministry Spotlight Video for the Prayer Shawl Ministry

Ministry Spotlight for the Prayer Ministry

Team Leads and Contact Information:


PASTORAL CARE:  provides comfort and compassion to those going through critical life changes; illness, death of a loved one, job loss or other challenge

Fr. Richard


email Fr. Richard


FEED MY SHEEP:  provides meals on a temporary basis for those returning home after a medical procedure, loss of a loved one, or another event that limits one’s ability to prepare meals.

Mary Wybenga


email Ms. Wybenga


PRAYER:  provides for individuals immediately after Sunday services, coordinates prayer requests and publishes in weekly bulletin, with requestor’s permission.

Cindy Gravis


email Ms. Gravis


EUCHARISTIC VISITOR:  provides consecrated elements to those who, because of infirmity or illness, cannot attend Sunday services. Prayers and service highlights are provided at visit.


BEREAVEMENT/ENCOURAGEMENT:  provides care and comfort to others by sending sympathy and get well cards, and follows up with “thinking of you cards” as appropriate.

Kathy Augustine


email Ms. Augustine


NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS:  provides a close knit support system for fellow parishioners who live in our neighborhood. Support can include telephone contact, small group studies, neighborhood Eucharistic services, etc.

Bobbie Wallstrom


email Ms. Wallstrom


PRAYER SHAWL:  provides handmade blankets, scarves, caps and shawls to give to those who are suffering or grieving.

Betty Prince and Carol Monroe


email Ms. Prince

email Ms. Monroe

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