Vacation Bible Adventure
June 26-29, 2023 ( with family BBQ June 30)
Christ Episcopal Church
Ages preschool - grade 5
3520 W. whitestone Blvd
Cedar Park, TX 78613
This June 26-30 at Vacation Bible Adventure (VBA), we will explore the many ways we can be positive Changemakers! Your child will make new friends, sing fun songs, meet peacemakers in the Bible, do science explorations and art projects, and play active games. Our theme of “Changemakers Lab” helps our children to recognize that they are important changemakers in our world and in our communities today!
Our evenings will be structured from 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm and will include children’s dinner! On Friday, June 30, we will gather with our families for a fun BBQ and final events!
5:30-6:00: Check-in & Dinner
6:00-6:30: Worship Lab
6:30-7:00: Craft Lab
7:00-7:30: Science Lab
7:30-8:00: Action Lab
Be sure your child arrives by 5:30 pm each day. Please sign in/out your child/ren at the table in front of the church doors.
Fee per Changemaker: $20 not to exceed $40 per family CASH/CHECK (includes dinner, T-shirt). Register by May 14 to save $5 off $20 Fee. Registration deadline is June 4. * Please state size and quantity of T-shirts on Registration sheet and return forms & fee in envelope provided to the VBA BOX in the NARTHEX. You will receive receipt of registration & payment by email and/or mail with welcome information for T-Shirt pick-up and welcome info for the week of VBA!
Download a registration form HERE, or you can pick up a form at the church.
Questions? Please contact Meghan Mazy